A mobile wallpaper and MMS picture for Apple(tm) iPhone 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, Plus, iPods, iPads, New iPads; Sony Ericsson(tm) Xperia; Samsung(tm) Galaxy, LG or devices that have similar screens: Red Colored Pelargonia -Geranium- flower. (Family: Geraniaceae, Species: Pelargonium)
Photo Date: April 2005, Location: Turkey/Istanbul-Mother`s Flowers, By: Artislamic.com

A mobile wallpaper and MMS picture for Apple iPhone 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, Plus, iPods, iPads, New iPads, Samsung Galaxy S Series and Notes, Sony Ericsson Xperia, LG Mobile Phones, Tablets and Devices: Red Colored Pelargonia -Geranium- flower.
Special products with this flower=> <New iPad Skin> - <iPad Case> - <iPad Sleeve> - <iPhone Case> - <Giftware Products>
Click on your device`s name on the buttons below for downloading this image:
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The Creator of this plant says:  And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts that haply ye might give thanks. Have they not seen the birds obedient in mid-air? None holdeth them save Allah. Lo! herein, verily, are portents for a people who believe. And Allah hath given you in your houses an abode, and hath given you (also), of the hides of cattle, houses which ye find light (to carry) on the day of migration and on the day of pitching camp; and of their wool and their fur and their hair, caparison and comfort for a while. And Allah hath given you, of that which He hath created, shelter from the sun; and hath given you places of refuge in the mountains, and hath given you coats to ward off the heat from you, and coats (of armour) to save you from your own foolhardiness. Thus doth He perfect His favour unto you, in order that ye may surrender (unto Him). (The Holy Koran: 16/78-81)
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[Flower Photos For Mobile Main Page] - [Pink Roses] - [Red Roses] - [White Roses] - [Yellow Roses] - [Variegated Roses] - [Red Tulips] - [White Tulips] - [Yellow-Red Tulips] - [Variegated Tulips] - [Primrose Flowers] - [Pansy Flowers] - [African Violets] - [Red Pelargonias] - [Pink Pelargonias] - [Pelargonia Buds] - [Variegated Pelargonia] - [Begonias] - [Lantana Camaras] - [Azalea Flowers] - [Daisy Flowers] - [Dahlia Flowers] - [Hyacinth-Hortensias] - [Marigold-Petunia] - [Fuchsia-Gar.Balsam] - [Carnation-Poppies] - [Morn. Glory-Balloon] - [Lilies 1 - 2 - 3] - [Various Plants-1] - [Various Plants-2] - [Various Plants-3] - [Contact Us - E-mail]
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